This project involves:
The construction of a four-storey building, providing c.5,724m² digital innovation hub and co-working space use at lower and upper ground floor levels, and first and second floor levels; with a c.1,107m² restaurant use at lower and upper ground floor levels (Building 1);
The construction of a two-storey building, providing 5 no. retail units, totalling c.381m², at ground level, and c.381m² office use at first floor level (Building 4)
The construction of a two-storey over basement building, providing a c.868m2 cultural facility at ground and first floor levels, and a car park at ground floor and basement levels (Building 5);
The construction of a two-storey building, providing a c.325m2 restaurant at ground and first floor levels, (Building 6A);
The construction of 2 no. five-storey buildings (‘Block A’ and ‘Block B’) providing 64 no. apartment units, comprising 27 no. 1-bedroom bedroom units, 27 no. 2-bedroom units, and 10 no. 3-bedroom units, totalling c.5,968m², (Buildings 7 and 8);
The renovation and adaptation of the former Boyne Mill Yarn Store (a Protected Structure RPS Ref. DB-98), to provide a five-storey 120-no. bedroom hotel with an ancillary restaurant totalling c.5,514m² (Building 6). The proposed works include the retention and conservation of the main external walls, the provision of two additional floors above the original building; the installation of a new roof, new doors and windows within existing building openings, and modifications to the external façade to provide for additional doors and windows;
The conservation and structural repair to the chimney stack (a Protected Structure RPS Ref. DB-98);
The restoration and adaptive re-use of the single-storey former Gate Lodge (a Protected Structure RPS Ref. DB-096) to provide c.27m2 shop (Building 2);
The restoration and adaptive re-use of the former Mill Office (a Protected Structure DB-340) to provide a c.190m2 single-storey over basement shop (Building 3);
It is proposed to retain and reconstruct the front elevation of the former Engine House, which is supported by an arcade of cast iron piers and half round arches to stand as a feature in the central car park;
The proposed development will include a total of 212 no. car parking spaces, 292 no. bicycle parking spaces; and electric vehicle charging points;
This project received planning permission in September 2022.